Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
- Howard Thurman

Andy Archer

picture of Andy

My healing work is rooted in a philosophy of fierce compassion, collective responsibility and intrinsic respect for the experience of others. I practice body-based therapy in New Haven, CT. My intention with this work is to help my clients tap into their own innate wisdom. I pursued my graduate education at Yale Divinity School, and I draw upon the wisdom of a variety of spiritual traditions to co-create meaningful ritual with my clients. I come from a background in the arts, and enjoy working with creators and those seeking to deepen their creativity. I have trained extensively in somatic techniques including Core Energetics, a therapeutic modality which acknowledges how everything we experience is felt holistically, and integrates body, mind, and spirit into a dynamic healing process.

Body-Based Therapy

The body can be a powerful ally in our quest for self-knowledge. Body-based therapies are grounded in the idea that we hold experiences and emotions in our bodies on both physical and mental levels. When we embody our experiences, we are connected with the fullness of our pleasures and pains, and have at our hands a powerful instrument for healing. Living in deep connection with our bodies roots us in our personal histories, and allows us to tell our stories in a way only we can.

This work empowers people to transform themselves by giving them permission to step into leadership and honor their unique gifts. I believe that claiming our power begins with finding our voice, and that by examining our experiences of injustice and trauma on a internal level we can begin to uproot the conditions for our oppression. My work integrates a variety of therapeutic modalities including Core Energetics, TRE: Tension and Trauma Release, mindfulness-based stress reduction, dialectical behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis and transpersonal psychology.


Gender and sexuality
Identity and belonging
Healing from addiction
Personal calling and life’s purpose
Self-love and confidence
Lifecycle transitions
Group process

Grief and loss
Family dynamics and developmental trauma
Self-care and building resilience
Relationship to the body
Relationships and Intimacy
LGBTQAI issues
Non-monogamy and kink
Conflict transformation and community healing

Working Together

I am currently offering individual sessions in New Haven, CT as a Core Energetics practitioner-in-training.

To learn more about my work or to schedule a session contact me for a complimentary phone consultation.


While I do not accept insurance, I offer my services on a sliding scale. A sliding scale is a tool I use to make this work accessible to people from a variety of experiences. I have a limited number of slots available at a reduced rate. Find out more about my sliding scale policy here. I accept cash, Venmo, PayPal and personal checks.


For more information or to schedule a session, contact me at: